Tuesday 14 February 2012

Love and infatuation


i went through a week a confusion...cause i just came out of a crush and started to annoy my friend...

we talk a lot..

i got used to talking to him....and he understands me well...

i think i like him.... but i also think i was mixing liking with a simple infatuation ...

i highly respect him...and i just LOOOVVEEEE talking to him...

but what i hate is that....im re-living my last crush again....and i dont want that :(

sooo this time...im not going to say anything....and wait....to see what happens next...

if it was meant to be....then it shall happen....and my heart will finally find love...

if it wasnt...then time will mend my heart...

i just have to wait and see :)

the dark side of the moon..

what im talking about is this hollow within my heart...

im just gonna say it out loud....im honestly DEPRESSED!!!
it sucks...

one part of me is saying and giving out the illusion of being ok...
the other part is dying bit by bit
and im feeling that my flesh is withering away ...

one of my deepest fears is being alone...
i hate this feeling...
the feeling and the knowledge of not being loved ...

i think im going crazy...
i think im loosing it...
and i feel sooo lost..

i wish...that...
the person that cares for me, could just appear from no where and hug me and tell me that everything will be ok...

im not bothered with life anymore....and i think the best decision now is to stop caring....accept the fact that i will be alone for a while and i wont get to taste the love pill....

well....happy singles day everyone :)